Sunday, 17 August 2008

Angst unplugged

Guess I shouldn't have made Kafka staple bedtime reading a couple of weeks back. And it didn't help that I added Camus and Mann to the repertoire. I'm currently reading Mann's Confessions of Felix Krull.
And I was on night shift last week. Altogether not the smartest thing to do when you don't feel particularly good about anything. And now I'm hit by an overdose of angst — urban angst they call it.
Not particularly good when you stay alone. And so I've been ranting about virtually everything under the sun these days. Just check out my Independence Day woes on my other blog.
I need to do two things to get out of the rut — write to expunge the angst and read some stuff which will fill you with hope and a sense of redemption. Hey where's my local copy of Segal's The Class? This is a favourite of mine and I seem to buy a copy wherever I go and leave it there :-(
Don't know about you , but this book really peps me up.
And I've been writing a lot in the last few hours.
I've also discovered a new passion — reading ebooks on my E61i while on the move. Try doing that while you listen to your iPod — it's exhilarating. But peeople driving, a word of caution — I don't drive and do this stuff only on the Metro or in an auto.
But my phone is giving me some trouble. Apparently I've gotta get the latest pdf reader to view all the ebooks and the stuff costs a cool 13 euros!
Mentioning the Metro, I guess everywhere it's the same. Why do people like taking joyrides on them, especially on holidays? We poor sods who work on such days are badly inconvenienced. But guess my rant isn't gonna make these thickheads here anymore conscious.
there see I've started ranting once more. Gotta cure myself.
In other news, my eyes seem to be failing me — gotta see a doc soon. I don't see as well as I was used to. And if I wasn't so hard up financially, I would have considered buying a digicam or an iPod touch, just to read ebooks. And any new jobs I'm being offered isn't giving me that much of a hike. So I'm caught in the rut till my office agrees to a hike. Its a tough life!
Excuse me please, I feel waves of angst overwhelming me.

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